Items filtered by date: July 2022
Causes of Overlapping Toes

Of the many possible congenital foot problems that may manifest at some point during your life, overlapping toes are among the most common. This condition can occur when one or more toes overlap others in a seemingly permanent way. This condition most commonly involves the pinky toe, but in some cases, the big toe and the second toe might also be affected. There are several potential causes of overlapping toes to be aware of. Frequently, overlapping toes can be caused by hereditary issues. For example, you may have inherited a bone structure in your feet that makes overlapping toes more likely. Additionally, overlapping toes may be caused by the wearing of certain kinds of footwear. For instance, wearing high heels or pointy-toe shoes for prolonged periods can twist the toes into unnatural positions that may eventually lead to this condition. Other shoes that have small toe boxes can produce a similar effect. Lastly, aging can be a cause of overlapping toes. As an individual ages, their toes naturally roll in more which can lead to overlapping toes. If you believe you have overlapping toes or are at risk of developing this condition, reach out to a podiatrist.
Congenital foot problems require immediate attention to avoid future complications. If you have any concerns, contact Dr. Thomas E. Silver of Westwood Foot Clinic. Our doctor can provide the care you need to keep you pain-free and on your feet.
Congenital foot problems are deformities affecting the feet, toes, and/or ankles that children are born with. Some of these conditions have a genetic cause while others just happen. Some specific foot ailments that children may be born with include clubfeet, polydactyly/macrodactyly, and cleft foot. There are several other foot anomalies that can occur congenitally. What all of these conditions have in common is that a child may experience difficulty walking or performing everyday activities, as well as trouble finding footwear that fits their foot deformity. Some of these conditions are more serious than others. Consulting with a podiatrist as early as possible will help in properly diagnosing a child’s foot condition while getting the necessary treatment underway.
What are Causes of Congenital Foot Problem?
A congenital foot problem is one that happens to a child at birth. These conditions can be caused by a genetic predisposition, developmental or positional abnormalities during gestation, or with no known cause.
What are Symptoms of Congenital Foot Problems?
Symptoms vary by the congenital condition. Symptoms may consist of the following:
- Clubfoot, where tendons are shortened, bones are shaped differently, and the Achilles tendon is tight, causing the foot to point in and down. It is also possible for the soles of the feet to face each other.
- Polydactyly, which usually consists of a nubbin or small lump of tissue without a bone, a toe that is partially formed but has no joints, or an extra toe.
- Vertical talus, where the talus bone forms in the wrong position causing other bones in the foot to line up improperly, the front of the foot to point up, and the bottom of the foot to stiffen, with no arch, and to curve out.
- Tarsal coalition, when there is an abnormal connection of two or more bones in the foot leading to severe, rigid flatfoot.
- Cleft foot, where there are missing toes, a V-shaped cleft, and other anatomical differences.
- Macrodactyly, when the toes are abnormally large due to overgrowth of the underlying bone or soft tissue.
Treatment and Prevention
While there is nothing one can do to prevent congenital foot problems, raising awareness and receiving neonatal screenings are important. Early detection by taking your child to a podiatrist leads to the best outcome possible.
If you have any questions please feel free to contact our office located in Golden Valley, MN . We offer the newest diagnostic tools and technology to treat your foot and ankle needs.
Treating Plantar Warts With Laser Treatment

Plantar Warts are a troublesome condition that affect the feet. This affliction consists of skin growths that are caused by the contraction of a strain of human papillomavirus (HPV). Since HPV is spread from person to person and thrives in moist environments, people are particularly susceptible to plantar warts when walking barefoot in highly-trafficked public spaces. Plantar warts come in different shapes and sizes but are generally hard and callus-like. There are a variety of ways in which plantar warts can be treated, depending on the severity of the warts. In more extreme cases, a podiatrist might determine that treating the plantar warts with laser treatment is the best course of action. This treatment method involves applying a concentrated beam of light to essentially sear off the wart from the foot. This method of treatment is 60-75% effective in treating plantar warts. However, this treatment also does not come without its risks. Sometimes, this treatment can cause scarring of some kind on the affected area. If you suffer from plantar warts, a podiatrist can help you decide if laser treatment might be a good option for you.
Plantar warts can be very uncomfortable. If you need your feet checked, contact Dr. Thomas E. Silver from Westwood Foot Clinic. Our doctor will assist you with all of your foot and ankle needs.
About Plantar Warts
Plantar warts are the result of HPV, or human papillomavirus, getting into open wounds on the feet. They are mostly found on the heels or balls of the feet.
While plantar warts are generally harmless, those experiencing excessive pain or those suffering from diabetes or a compromised immune system require immediate medical care. Plantar warts are easily diagnosed, usually through scraping off a bit of rough skin or by getting a biopsy.
- Lesions on the bottom of your feet, usually rough and grainy
- Hard or thick callused spots
- Wart seeds, which are small clotted blood vessels that look like little black spots
- Pain, discomfort, or tenderness of your feet when walking or standing
- Freezing
- Electric tool removal
- Laser Treatment
- Topical Creams (prescription only)
- Over-the-counter medications
To help prevent developing plantar warts, avoid walking barefoot over abrasive surfaces that can cause cuts or wounds for HPV to get into. Avoiding direct contact with other warts, as well as not picking or rubbing existing warts, can help prevent the further spread of plantar warts. However, if you think you have developed plantar warts, speak to your podiatrist. He or she can diagnose the warts on your feet and recommend the appropriate treatment options.
If you have any questions please feel free to contact our office located in Golden Valley, MN . We offer the newest diagnostic and treatment technologies for all your foot and ankle needs.
Studies Indicate That Foot Pain and Obesity May Be Linked

The feet can be negatively affected in patients who are obese. It can alter foot structure, and may lead to developing arthritis. Common foot conditions that can result from obesity can include tendonitis, plantar fasciitis, and inflammation along the entire foot. Research has shown that when people walk up steps, approximately four to six times their body weight is felt in the ankle joints, and this can also occur from walking up a steep incline. Obesity may increase these numbers, and it is beneficial to start a healthy eating plan that can help to reduce the impact on the feet and ankles. Recent studies have been conducted, and almost half of the people observed they have gained weight prior to having foot pain. The tendons and ligaments in the feet are often affected when additional weight is gained, and walking may become difficult. If you are overweight, and have foot and ankle pain, please schedule an appointment with a podiatrist who can treat foot pain, and help you with proper food choices that may reduce foot and ankle pain.
Obesity has become very problematic at this point in time and can have extremely negative effects on the feet. If you’re an obese individual and are concerned about your feet, contact Dr. Thomas E. Silver from Westwood Foot Clinic. Our doctor can provide the care you need to keep you pain-free and on your feet.
Obesity and Your Feet
Since your feet are what support your entire weight when standing, any additional weight can result in pain and swelling. Being overweight is one of the main contributors to foot complications.
Problems & Complications
Extra Weight – Even putting on just a few extra pounds could create serious complications for your feet. As your weight increases, your balance and body will shift, creating new stresses on your feet. This uneven weight distribution can cause pain, even while doing the simplest tasks, such as walking.
Diabetes – People who are overweight are at serious risk of developing type-2 diabetes, which has a drastic impact on the health of your feet. As you get older, your diabetes might worsen, which could lead to loss of feeling in your feet, sores, and bruises. You could also become more prone to various infections.
Plantar fasciitis – Pressure and stress that is placed on muscles, joints, and tendons can trigger plantar fasciitis, which is an inflammation of tissue that forms along the bottom of the foot.
If you have any questions please feel free to contact our office located in Golden Valley, MN . We offer the newest diagnostic and treatment technologies for all your foot and ankle needs.
It's Time for Beautiful Feet
Common Tennis Injuries of the Feet and Ankles

Tennis is a sport that engages your whole body and requires flexibility, strength, and endurance. As a full-body physical activity, tennis can increase a person’s risk of injuring their legs, arms, wrists, back, knees, feet, and ankles. Common tennis injuries in the feet and ankles include tennis toe and ankle sprains. Tennis toe is a simple injury that causes a toenail to hemorrhage when a toe is repeatedly forced up against the shoe’s toe box during the sport’s quick starts and stops. Tennis toe can be avoided by choosing footwear with ample room in the toe box and keeping the toenails properly trimmed. Ankle sprains occur when the ligaments that bind and support the ankle become stretched beyond their normal limits. Again, proper footwear may help to prevent some ankle sprains, specifically, sneakers with extra support in the back of the shoe help to maintain their shape. A podiatrist can treat any foot or ankle injuries that may occur while also offering additional advice on proper footwear and how best to protect yourself from future problems.
Ankle and foot injuries are common among athletes and in many sports. They can be caused by several problems and may be potentially serious. If you are feeling pain or think you were injured in a sporting event or when exercising, consult with Dr. Thomas E. Silver from Westwood Foot Clinic. Our doctor will assess your condition and provide you with quality foot and ankle treatment.
Common Injuries
The most common injuries that occur in sporting activities include:
- Achilles Tendonitis
- Achilles Tendon Rupture
- Ankle Sprains
- Broken Foot
- Plantar Fasciitis
- Stress Fractures
- Turf Toe
Symptoms vary depending upon the injury and in some cases, there may be no symptoms at all. However, in most cases, some form of symptom is experienced. Pain, aching, burning, bruising, tenderness, tightness or stiffness, sensation loss, difficulty moving, and swelling are the most common symptoms.
Just as symptoms vary depending upon the injury, so do treatment options. A common treatment method is known as the RICE method. This method involves rest, applying ice, compression and elevating the afflicted foot or ankle. If the injury appears to be more serious, surgery might be required, such as arthroscopic or reconstructive surgery. Lastly, rehabilitation or therapy might be needed to gain full functionality in the afflicted area. Any discomfort experienced by an athlete must be evaluated by a licensed, reputable medical professional.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our office located in Golden Valley, MN . We offer the newest diagnostic and treatment technologies for all your foot care needs.